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Journal of Applied Management and Accounting Science (JAMAS)

is an e-Journal that is published twice a year to accommodate researchers in publishing research results, especially in the fields of management and accounting.

Journal of Applied Management Studies (JAMMS)

is a forum of information in the form of research results, literature studies, ideas, theoretical applications and critical analysis studies in the field of Economics & Business in general and research publications of lecturers and students of the Triatma Mulya University Master of Management Study Program in particular.

Journal Research of Accounting (JARAC)

is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies, ideas, theory applications and critical analysis studies in the field of Economics & Business in general and research publications of lecturers and students of the Triatma Mulya University Accounting Study Program in particular.

Journal of Research of Management (JARMA)

is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies, ideas, theory applications and critical analysis studies in the field of Economics & Business in general and research publications of lecturers and students of the Triatma Mulya University Management Study Program in particular.

Indonesian Journal of Health Research (IDJHR)

 is a open source journal (e-journal) for nurses, midwife, health care profession, and researcher which published by Universitas Triatma Mulya. Starting in 2019, the Indonesian Journal of Health Research will be published three times a year in April, August, and December. The Indonesian Journal of Health Research received both article research and original literature review articles that have not been published in other medias or other scientific journals.

Journal of Informatic Engineering and Technology (JIETECH)

is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies, ideas, theoretical applications and critical analysis studies in the field of informatics engineering and technology in general, as well as a media for research publications for lecturers and students of the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology. especially in the Department of Informatics and Electrical Engineering, Triatma Mulya University

SAVE: Synergy and Society Service

was first published in Badung in 2021 by the Triatma Mulya University, Bali – Indonesia. Based on the ISSN National Center Issuance Decree (International Standard Serial Number) for Indonesia based in Paris No. : 0005.27980812/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.06 Jakarta, 29 Juni 2021 has been declared to have ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) number 2798-0812 (media online).

Journal of Tourism and Interdiciplinary Studies (JoTIS)

is an e-Journal published twice a year to accommodate tourism including cultural tourism, heritage tourism, ecotourism, agritourism, pilgrimage tourism, tourism policy, tourism marketing, tourist behaviour, tourism destination management, sustainable tourism; and also, extensively for economic and linguistics studies which link to tourism for example economic impacts of tourism, language functions used in tourism and hospitality service, etc.